
This independent blog collects news about projects or achievements in regulatory reform / better regulation. It is edited by Charles H. Montin. All opinions expressed are given on a personal basis.
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06 November 2013

New textbook on RIA at EU level

Friend-of-the-network and top-expert Erick Akse publishes today a new must-have book on RIA: "Influencing the Preparation of EU Legislation: a practical guide to working with impact assessments". All RIA practioners in Europe and elsewhere should buy a copy as this book was written with them in mind. Though primarily based on Erick's experience drafting some 30 RIAs for the EC, its detailed analysis of what is perhaps the most sophisticated RIA scheme in operation will be useful for all those facing the challenges of quality impact assessments. As stated in Mr Stoiber's preface, it also offers a starting point for further improvement of the system, some lessons being quite transposable to national experience.
Erik writes about his book:
"In my book, I describe in detail how the European Commission prepares its legislative and policy proposals through its system of Impact Assessment. The description covers, amongst others, the content requirements Impact Assessments need to live up to and the average 18-month procedure they go through from start to finish. I also explain how stakeholders can step into the Impact Assessment process and promote their interests effectively...  The target group is in principle everyone working with European legislation and policy."

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