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06 November 2013

FR business organisation suggests new targets for red tape

How does French business view the UK "Cutting EU red tape" report? The president of MEDEF (employers' confederation) was recently commenting on the British report drafted by an independent business panel. This was an opportunity for this text to be made known in France.
President Gattaz recalled that simplification was one of the main commitments of his organisation's programme of work and said that what was required was a new mindset in the legislative and regulatory process. He was very interested in the methodology developed by the British to drive the internal process of simplification ("one in, two out"); simplification, to be successful, must be sought according to a rigorous methodology. To do this, MEDEF would propose to the French government and parliamentary concrete objectives: 
- reduce the stock of regulation by 5% a year, especially in the labor law, taxation, environment, urban planning, 
- improve the quality of new legislation, avoid frequent changes. 
For more, see links to the report and summary and recent critical comment, in previous posts. Source of this post: Enjeux.

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