This 5th expert workshop in Stockholm is part of the OECD programme on Measuring Regulatory Performance which addresses two very important issues for the Regulatory Policy Committee and the OECD: how can countries measure regulatory performance to diagnose success and failures, improve regulatory policies, programmes and tools, and to communicate progress? How can they demonstrate that an investment in their systems for regulatory policy and management is delivering improvements to their economies and societies? At the 5th workshop, delegates and experts will discuss best practice implementation of the 2012 Recommendation on Regulatory Policy and Governance and how to benchmark progress over time. This is an important step in measuring progress in the implementation of the Recommendation in countries, and the preparation by the OECD of a Regulatory Policy Outlook in 2014.
Background: The 2012 Recommendation provides a list of 12 "principles", which can be used as a checklist of measures that governments can and should take to support the implementation and advancement of systemic regulatory reform to deliver regulations that meet public policy objectives and will have a positive impact on the economy and society.
Background: The 2012 Recommendation provides a list of 12 "principles", which can be used as a checklist of measures that governments can and should take to support the implementation and advancement of systemic regulatory reform to deliver regulations that meet public policy objectives and will have a positive impact on the economy and society.