
This independent blog collects news about projects or achievements in regulatory reform / better regulation. It is edited by Charles H. Montin. All opinions expressed are given on a personal basis.
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23 July 2012

South Africa struggles with regulatory reform

An interesting editorial from Zambia casts a critical look on RR in neighbouring South Africa. It reports that regulation and red tape would be more offensive in SA than in the other Brics (Brazil, Russia, India China and SA). "Excessive moves by the government to control rather than facilitate business are increasingly hampering innovation, hiring and margins. The latest business pulse readings indicate stresses are rising due to the numerous constraints companies face. At a time when the world is looking to Africa to stave off global recession, SA stands a real chance of missing out on the boom as it loses its status as a gateway to the continent. The long delays in getting things done, especially in beefing up infrastructure, is proving to be most daunting for business owners and CEOs. But more subtle areas of delivery are also affecting sentiment — such as so many people remaining poor and unskilled despite business profits and employee salaries helping to pay for grants, and billions being ploughed into education. The results are simply not coming through; business is now sending a clear message that the government must get its act together, stamp out rampant corruption and work at improving equality. The consequences of failure are a limp-along economy and more street beggars. " (for more, visit Business Day.)

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