
This independent blog collects news about projects or achievements in regulatory reform / better regulation. It is edited by Charles H. Montin. All opinions expressed are given on a personal basis.
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05 April 2011

Interesting report on Serbia and Western Balkans

It is my pleasure to point out the publication of an in-depth study on Regulatory Reform in transition countries, on the basis of the case of Serbia and other Western Balkan countries. This impressive opus was drafted by members of the network Slavica Penev, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade and Andreja Marušić, Regulatory Reform Expert, Balkan Center for Regulatory Reform, in the framework of an IFC project supported by the Swedish Government (SIDA), as part of the project Regulatory reform in Serbia (2007-2010). It shows that the recent economic growth and competitiveness of Serbia and other Western Balkan countries is closely linked to the transition process and reform implementation. Regulatory reform was key to making possible the transition from socialist to market-oriented economy and bringing these countries closer to EU accession. The report found that in order to generate more balanced and sustainable growth, Western Balkan countries will need to discover new sources of growth, complete reform implementation and further improve their business and investment environments. The report is presented on the IFC list of new publications, or it can be directly downloaded as a pdf document. A book to keep for future reference. Congratulations to Slavica and Andreja !

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