
This independent blog collects news about projects or achievements in regulatory reform / better regulation. It is edited by Charles H. Montin. All opinions expressed are given on a personal basis.
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05 May 2010

E-gov in support of better regulation

E-government is not often listed as a better regulation tool. However, when online procedures assist citizens and companies to comply with regulation, this is a direct contribution to enforcement, raises compliance rates, reduces irritation, all of which help enhance the quality of regulation as we understand it. In some cases, eServices also reinforce the Single Market. Such a contribution was clearly recognised by the Malmö Ministerial Declaration on eGovernment (November 2009) "(European governements) should use eGovernment to increase their efficiency and effectiveness and to constantly improve public services in a way that caters for users' different needs and maximises public value, thus supporting the transition of Europe to a leading knowledge-based economy.".
The European Commission's HLG AB (Stoiber-group) has emphasised the need for eGov solutions in almost all of the "opinions" by which it advises the European Commission. The opinions have also emphasised that eServices lead to burden reductions only if adapted to business needs. And without any burden reduction, no high uptake (- and lower benefits for public sector).The HLG AB (Stoiber-group) has emphasised the need for eGov solutions in almost all of the "opinions" by which they advise the European Commission. They have also emphasised that eServices lead to burden reductions only if adapted to business needs. And without any burden reduction, no high uptake (- and lower benefits for public sector).
Furthermore it is also important to make sure that new / revised legislation promotes and facilitates the use of ICT.The Commission (led by DG INFSO) is now preparing a eGov Action Plan for 2011-2015, based on the objectives in the declaration and in collaboration and coordination with the MSs. This will be part of the wider Digital Agenda for 2020 embracing wider ICT aspects. Find out more on the i2020 (the EU policy framework for information society and media) and EU2020 (Lisbon strategy successor) pages on Europa (with K. Bjorke and W. Carrara).

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